3 Simple Ways To Ensure Online Real Estate Listings Reach Locals

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First-Time Seller Tips: What You Should Know In Advance

When I put my house on the market, nobody told me about the flurry of real estate agent meetings, showings, open houses, and staging appointments. When you add the paperwork, I was overwhelmed. After the process was over and I left the closing, I decided to create a website that focused on all of those things that I didn't know I'd have to do. My goal for this site is to make sure that other first-time sellers have a resource to learn what they can expect from the sale and closing process. I hope that the posts here help you prepare for your first sale with the confidence of an old pro.


3 Simple Ways To Ensure Online Real Estate Listings Reach Locals

22 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having an online real estate listing is essential in the modern era when people start their search for a dream home with online ads and social media. However, every real estate company has likely been frustrated to see that a large percentage of clicks on their website and ad listings come from people in other areas of the country. A home buyer in Michigan with no plans to move out west is not going to buy a house in Los Angeles simply because they looked at an online ad for one. That is one example of why it is important that real estate listings reach locals, and here are three simply ways to ensure that it does just that.

Utilize Key Words that Are Targeted to Your Local Area

When you are writing the text of your online real estate listings, don't neglect the importance of using key words. Key words allow search engines to find your real estate listings and show them to people who are searching for what your listing offers. Although the term is "key words", they are actually key phrases. For example, if you are trying to sell property in Pensacola, Florida, you could use key words like "homes in Pensacola" or "Pensacola, FL real estate listing."

Establish Targeted Hash Tags and Piggyback on Local Ones

When you post about your real estate listings on social media, that is yet another way that you potentially reach people all over the world, but you can also target locals when doing so. After all, if you establish yourself as a prominent local real estate agent, many of your social media followers are likely to be locals.

Expand beyond your base of social media followers by created hash tags that are targeted for your unique area. For example, if you are trying to sell a home in Saraland, Alabama, you would create hashtags using the word Saraland and perhaps the nearby big city of Mobile. Also, when posting local real estate listings, search to see which local real estate hash tags are popular and use those.

Include City and Other Location Information in Your Title

Home buyers can be intrigued by a simple catchy title to your real estate listing, but it won't do them any good if they are not seeking property in your area. Include the precise location of the home in the title of your real estate listing. If your property is in a small town, you should also include the closest big city or metropolitan area in the title as well. For example, if you are selling a home in a suburb of Long Island, you may still choose to include New York City in the title of your listing.

Finally, keep in mind that your real estate listing can benefit from national exposure. After all, people who are relocating to your area should be able to easily find your real estate website or listings, and even those who are not nearby may share a high-quality post that stands out from the rest. When people share with their networks, you may reach someone who is local even If the original poster is not. Most importantly, though, online real estate ads should be targeted to a local audience, and you will reap the rewards when you try the above ways to connect with your core home buyers.

For more tips and information, talk with different local companies, like The Home Town Team at RE/MAX Integrity, who manage real estate listings.